Sunday, July 4, 2010

Help us get a CBC podcast!

Allan Street was recently interviewed by Simon Thibault for CBC radio's Mainstreet. Simon recorded excerpts of each reader, as well as interviews from your host, and guests.

If you were like me and missed the episode, help us out by getting our own podcast.

Simply drop Mainstreet a quick email and ask them to podcast the Allan Street Reading episode at 3:00 PM on Friday, July 2, by Simon Thibault. E-mail

You can also e-mail from a form found HERE


  1. I asked for the podcast! It was on Main Street at 3:00 PM on Friday, July 2, by Simon Thibault.

    - Kelsey McLaren

  2. Hi There,

    I'd just like to drop you a quick e-mail requesting that you make available the Allan Street Reading Series episode by Simon Thibault which aired at 3pm on Friday, July 2nd.

    This event is unique and special and coverage of it would surely be appreciated by a larger audience were they exposed in retrospect.

    Warm Regards,

    Aaron Ward

  3. i emailed them like a good obedient little puppy
