I find it impossible to ignore the uproar in this city's energy. It seems like after the hurricane hit everyone began to settle into themselves in a post-summer kind of way, the problem is we don't always like ourselves in this process. We wonder if staying here is the right choice, or if leaving was wrong too. There's newness and uprooting and everyone is a little bit lost. Interestingly, it doesn't last very long and soon the comfort of finding your routine before the winter hits eliminates all that dis-ease. But instead of calling your Mom on the phone to yell at her, let's just grab this unsettledness, pat it on the back, maybe even read it to a room full of people.
Open Letters will be just like each Allan Street in the past, except it will carry a theme, and it will encourage you to be honest about your unrest.
Allan Street is also very pleased to announce Open Letters as a part of CKDU's funding drive.
View the facebook event HERE.
Also join Allan Street's new facebook group HERE.